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How to transfer your files to Cloudiax (FTPS)

Cloudiax offers you a personal easy to use FTP share to transfer files like customer databases, backups etc.

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What we use

Cloudiax offers you a personal easy to use FTP share to transfer files like customer databases, backups etc.

Therefore we are using the FTPS (FTP over SSL) protocol with a FTP client to match all security conditions.

Please note: SFTP is a different protocol, and is not supported.

To connect to your / customers fileshare you can use a standard FTP client like Filezilla or WinSCP

Download Filezilla: https://filezilla-project.org/download.php?type=client
Download WinSCP: https://winscp.net/eng/download.php

Video connect to Cloudiax company share with a FTP program

4' 15"

How to connect (based on Filezilla)

If you have installed the latest version of Filezilla you can use the “Quickconnect” function.

How to connect with FTP

Host: ftp.cloudiax.com
Username: c1xxxx.x (Cloudiax username)
Password: xxxxxxx (Cloudiax password)

Click “Quickconnect”

Please accept the Cloudiax security certificate
(check “Always trust certificate in future sessions”)

Cloudiax certificate FTP

How to save the Cloudiax connection

Please open the Filezilla “Site Manager”

Save Cloudiax connection with FTP

Choose “New Site” and fill in the following information:
Important: Encryption - explicit FTP over TLS

New FTP site

Now you have saved the connection for a fast access:

Fast access with FTP

How to transfer files with FTP

If you have established the connection, you will see your customer folder

Name = Cloudiax customer number
This folder is your personal company share at Cloudiax where you can transfer your files to.
Within this folder you are able to create files and folders.

For example a backup folder incl. subfolders
(right mouse button to open submenu)

Backup files with FTP

Enter the name of the folder

Folder created in FTP

Folder created

Folder created

Now you can upload your files into this folder by drag & drop
Left side: your PC
Right site: your Cloudiax customer share

Upload files with FTP

You can also use the right mouse button to upload files to the target folder

Upload files FTP

Please note to inform us about your upload by ticket https://support.cloudiax.com

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or call us +49 2822 7131 620

The personal information you send us is important to us. Therefore we take the protection of this data very seriously. The data transmitted here will be used by our sales team to contact you. We will use this data only for this purpose. Contact details that are sent directly to us by e-mail will be within our email-system, which does an automated archiving after 2 years and will be finally deleted after 5 years, unless higher rights preclude this. Everything what we do to protect your data can be found in our privacy policy.

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