Updating Bill of Material Costs

Partner SSP desarrollador:

SIGMA Software und Consulting

Aplicaciones empresariales:

Gestión de listas de materiales

Actualiza los gastos de la lista de materiales automáticamente y ahorra tiempo y gastos.

Texto en inglés

To maintain accurate prices in SAP B1 and pass them onto customers in response to changes in material and resource costs, it’s necessary to update BOM costs. The „Updating BOM costs“ add-on was created to streamline this task, saving you time.

Advantages of the add-on

  • Eliminating the time-consuming process of updating individual parts lists
  • High time savings
  • Quick and easy calculation of BOM costs
  • Short implementation time
  • A bill of materials (BOM) lists the individual components of a product and in some cases, individual items from a parts list can serve as BOMs themselves.
  • If a parts list is updated, this change usually affects parts lists containing the previous version of the parts list.
  • With our SAP Business One add-on, you can bypass the tedious task of manually updating each BOM.
  • The add-on automates the process of updating prices in all BOMs based on changes in item and resource prices, allowing mass changes to BOM prices in a short time.
  • The add-on’s operation is simple: select the price list containing the BOMs with the customized item, then choose the desired articles or resources in the table whose price needs to be modified.
  • All parts lists with the new item prices will then be automatically calculated.
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