SBS Business Connector

Partner SSP desarrollador:

SBS – Seybold Business Solution GmbH

Aplicaciones empresariales:

Comercio electrónico

Sincronización automática y en tiempo real de datos entre SAP Business One y la plataforma de ventas de Amazon, así como el software de tienda xt: commerce.

Texto en inglés

Automatic synchronization of data in real-time between SAP Business One and the amazon sales platform as well as the shop software xt: commerce.

The SBS Business Connector is a fully integrated SAP Business One for the automatic synchronization of data in real-time between SAP Business One and the amazon sales platform as well as the shop software xt: commerce.

SAP Business One is the leading system. Customers can use one of the two modules or both. The amazon module consists of a basic module and optional extensions, e.g. FBA – Fulfillment By Amazon.

Transfer of the article master data from SAP Business One directly to amazon, single or batch. Synchronization of the article price from SAP Business One in amazon, as well as offer price.

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