
Partner SSP desarrollador:

commsult AG

Soluciones sectoriales:

Logística y almacenaje


Aplicaciones empresariales:

Escáner de almacenes

Herramienta de solución de escaneo escalable, configurable y de bajo costo para los partners de SAP Business One.

Texto en inglés

OntegoOne is a ready to use scanning solution for common logistics processes. OntegoOne is exclusively designed for SAP Business One partners with no setup fee, no minimum terms, and pay per use.

Create profitable business models

Only pay when your customers use it

OntegoOne mobile apps check in once per month, when they are used. We are charging only those active mobile devices and you can even limit them.

Decide your individual pricing

Whether your customers pay you monthly, one-time or even nothing at all. You decide the way you integrate OntegoOne in your sales strategy.

No setup fees. No minumum terms

You can start and quit anytime you want. Self-serviced.

Register for the configuration dashboard

Keep control about everything

Manage your customers B1 systems and keep track of the mobile apps, their configuration and total costs. All self-serviced in the Cloud Cockpit. We don‘t even need to know your customers name.

Dashboard views of active clients and costs

Instant access to the customers usage. Option to limit the total number of active client licenses per customer to avoid overusage.

Customize, deactivate and copy configurations

Manage your customers with setting up different systems for Test, Staging and Production environment with easy copy funnction.

Configure your mobile apps

Customize mobile apps without any coding

Don‘t invent the wheel over recurring customers requirements. Simply change settings. Whether it is table layouts, barcode scanning, entry options or any other SAP Business One specs.

True WYSIWYG Preview

See the effects of all options directly on the mobile screen while you configure for your customers needs.

Easy distribution to your customers

The app checks and loads new configurations automatically when connected to the internet.

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