Partner SSP desarrollador:

InformEtica Consulting

Soluciones sectoriales:



Maquinaria industrial

Integra las funcionalidades relacionadas con el proceso de producción. Software verdaderamente integrado y dedicado a la producción.

Texto en inglés

LPOne is specifically designed for SAP Business One that integrates the functionalities related to the production process, leading to the definition of a truly integrated software solution dedicated to Lean Production, now essential for companies with discrete manufacturing or committed.

LPOne is specifically designed for SAP Business One that integrates the functionalities related to the production process, leading to the definition of a truly integrated software solution dedicated to Lean Production, now essential for companies with discrete manufacturing or committed.

The context and the approach

LPOne is completely integrated within SAP Business One, as SAP Business One Integration certification certifies on an international scale. LPOne uses standard SAP procedures, possibly extending them and enhancing them with additional functions and components.
For instance, Materials Master Data, Bills of Materials and Production and Purchase Orders are the standard SAP Business One ones, enhanced with the necessary data for LPOne, whereas brand new Work Centers, Processing Phases and Routings Master Data have been implemented.

For MRP, Product Cost Evaluation and Project Management, new functions proprietary to LPOne have been implemented to exploit its full potential.

All the functions and structures of LPOne have been developed in strict compliance with SAP standards, to guarantee both operation and maintenance, as well as any upgrades over time.

LPOne conforms to both the standards envisaged by Microsoft SQL Server as well as those of SAP HANA.

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