
El uso de iDocuments para Compras, Gastos, Ventas y Recursos Humanos libera tu equipo de tareas manuales y repetitivas para centrarse en agregar valor y hacer avanzar tu negocio.

Texto en inglés

Automation solutions that streamline and simplify key business processes such as purchasing, expenses, sales and HR.

The power of one scalable and accessible suite of business modules, providing complete process solutions for Purchasing, Accounts Payable Automation, Expense Management, Sales Order Automation, B2B eCommerce Portal and Self Service HR.

With iDocuments you can drive efficiencies and cost saving by bringing all your finance and workforce processes into one easy to use portal that integrates directly with your existing ERP/finance system implementation.

Automate processes to stay competitive, deliver faster and more consistent services to your business and customers, gain insights into the business for strategic planning and be more responsive to changing requirements in your business environment.

Extend the control of SAP Business One by providing affordable, easy-to-use, web-based access to 90%+ of employees. ​

Give everyone in your organization access anytime and anywhere to the information they need to do their job effectively and efficiently.

With one single platform, avoid the need for users to learn different systems, encourage faster user adoption and reduce your organization’s IT maintenance costs and support overheads.

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