
FocusPoint® es la más importante solución de comercio electrónico en la nube creada específicamente para SAP Business One y se especializa en extender la funcionalidad y los flujos de trabajo de SAP en la nube.

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In these uncertain times, SME enterprises are especially exposed to the current market forces. Supply chain issues and cost pressures caused by supply chain shortages create extreme volatility in the marketplace.

To navigate the current market situation, optimizing communications with full transparency to your business partners are critical factors to success.

FocusPoint® is the premier cloud eCommerce solution specifically built for SAP Business One specializing in extending SAP functionality and workflows to the cloud. Highly configurable, FocusPoint® enables companies to integrate one or more B2B, B2C, or D2C sites into a single, self-service webstore eliminating unnecessary integration costs and delays. Functionality, which in the past was exclusively reserved to larger enterprises, our robust solution empowers small and midsize companies to drive growth and expand market share through online sales channels.

FocusPoint® is the only eCommerce platform certified for use with SAP Business One.  FocusPoint® has an experienced SAP support team that will be part of your implementation journey and beyond.

FocusPoint® provides:

  • A robust eCommerce management experience with tie-ins to marketing, analytics, social media, third party logistics and warehousing .
  • Fully integrated Order Management and Order Fulfillment functionality.
  • Service Management, Equipment/Rental Management functionality.
  • Manage multiple online shops with a single platform.
  • Quickly add new sales channels to expand market share .
  • Enable sales teams to sell while on the go.
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