
Connects SAP Business One with ECM systems like DocuWare, Saperion etc.

Texto en inglés

It is a full integration for SAP BO with ECM systems which means you can create drafts or finals from ECM data as well as store all your files from SAP B1 into the ECM. It is installed via Light Weight and is compatible since 9.1 on SQL and HANA.

The most important key data of the add-on:

  • Supports all output formats such as Crystal Reports and CoreSuite.
  • What has to be archived is configured, the user does not have to actively seek to archive.
  • Can access one or more ECM systems with several SAP ERP and/or SAP Business One systems.
  • Documents are archived as PDF/A.
  • Barcode scenarios are supported.
  • TWAIN compatible scanners can be addressed directly.
  • Documents are automatically supplied with metadata in the ECM.
  • Record plans can be automatically generated from SAP Business One master data and constantly synchronized.
  • If desired, documents can be created from the ECM with the metadata as parked documents in SAP B1.
  • Is installed via Light Weight.
  • Runs from SAP Business One Version 9.1.
  • Runs under SQL Server and HANA.
  • Runs as 32- or 64-BIT application runs on single workstation, terminal server and Citrix.
  • Is available in the SAP private cloud (e.g. Cloudiax).
  • Can be used with ECM cloud systems (e.g. DocuWare Cloud).
  • Is available in all SAP languages.
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