Digital Packing Table

Partner SSP desarrollador:

SIGMA Software und Consulting

Soluciones sectoriales:

Logística y almacenaje

El SIGMA Digital Packing Table optimiza tus procesos de envasado.

Texto en inglés

In order to help your mail order company effectively handle a growing volume of orders and speed up your packing procedures, we have created an SAP Business One add-on called SIGMA Digital Packing Table.

The tool enables the mail order business to automate the packaging process by utilizing picking lists and optimizing routes through collective picking. Furthermore, it synchronizes your shipping information with the ERP system and shipping service provider in real-time. What the SAP Business One add-on offers:

  • Picking of individual items
  • Option to choose from partially picked orders
  • Retrieval of detailed picking information
  • Clear presentation of packing progress
  • Creation of delivery notes
  • Removal of items from warehouse inventory
  • Connection to shipping service provider with shipping label printing and tracking ID generation
  • Protection against unauthorized access with password verification The SAP Business One add-on SIGMA Digital Packing Table is also accessible through a web browser (Web Client).
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