Coresuite Time

Partner SSP desarrollador:

Core Systems

Aplicaciones empresariales:

Herramientas de productividad

El sistema de registro de tiempo te permite registrar esfuerzos, materiales, gastos y tiempo de trabajo de manera rápida y eficiente.

Texto en inglés

The time solution is an industry-independent time recording system. With Coresuite Time your resources and projects are always under control.

The time solution allows you to record efforts, materials, expenses and working time fast and efficiently. Thanks to the billing wizard, service efforts are invoiced automatically at just the touch of a button.

Mobile Integration

You can use time as stand-alone solution for SAP Business One. Or you can use it together with Coresystems Field Service Software to easily record efforts, expenses, materials and working time on your mobile device. The Field Service Software is seamlessly integrated in Time.

Renaissance of your service process

With Coresuite Time you can significantly reduce the time between servicing and invoicing. Filling in service reports on paper is a thing of the past. Users record their work time electronically and this data is sent directly to your ERP.

Extensions made easy

The time solution has an external interface (API) and can easily be integrated into other applications and/or web services.

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