B1 Configurator

Partner SSP desarrollador:

CIS Configurator

Aplicaciones empresariales:

Configuración de variantes

Crea tu lógica de producto personalizada en SAP Business One. Se pueden crear múltiples configuraciones en una oferta u orden de venta.

Texto en inglés

Using the B1 Configurator allows you to build your custom product logic into SAP Business One.

Multiple lines can be created each containing a configuration on a Sales Quotation or a Sales Order and can then be pushed to a Production Order with the accurate quantity of items. Production, Sales and Assembly BOM’s are supported.

SAP Business One users can add configured products to Sales Quotations using B1 Configurator.

Once the user selects the product they want to configure within SAP, the user is guided through a series of questions and answers.

The answers resolve to a list of Items that will be the configuration. The Items are added to the Sales Quotation or Sales Order. Pricing is obtained dynamically from SAP as the configured product is created.

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