B1 Apps Surfer Suite

Partner SSP desarrollador:

Milner Browne

Aplicaciones empresariales:

Herramientas de productividad

Surfer conecta las empresas con sus clientes las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana, las organizaciones obtienen integración en tiempo real dentro de SAP Business One para verificar el estado de las órdenes.

Texto en inglés

With Surfer your business is able to deploy innovative technology made affordable for ambitious, growing enterprises. Not only does Surfer connect businesses with its customers 24/7, organisations will also gain real-time integration within SAP Business One to check the progress of orders or enable field-based teams to input key documentation when away from the office.

With Surfer your business is able to deploy innovative technology made affordable for ambitious, growing enterprises.

Not only does Surfer connect businesses with its customers 24/7, organisations will also gain real-time integration within SAP Business One to check the progress of orders or enable field-based teams to input key documentation when away from the office.

The Surfer Suite boosts business intelligence with the ability to bring data to life in a series of interactive graphs or widgets.

Additionally, turn silos of data into key business intelligence and deliver faster time-to-insight with customisable dashboards.

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