Abacus AgriOne
(SAP Business One Integrated)

Partner SSP desarrollador:

Abacus Global

Soluciones sectoriales:


Abacus permite a la industria agrícola planificar, gestionar y ejecutar sus operaciones comerciales de manera eficiente en un mercado cada vez más dinámico y competitivo.

Texto en inglés

AgriOne allows you to execute the cane processing starting from survey to recovery by keeping track the amount of cane that is being cultivated for the factory from different growers, keeping track of transportation required.

Abacus enables sugar industry to efficiently plan, manage and execute their business operations in an increasingly dynamic and competitive market place. Since a sugar factory totally relies on timely and quality sugarcane supply and execution, therefore monitoring of sugarcane from the fields up to the factory till it gives “sugar” is the focused area in sugar factory.

Given Modules are available in the product:

  • Integration with SAP Business One for Master Data Layer Users Authorizations to act as per job assigned by the company Sugar Industry Posting Periods Management, House Banks, Loans, Contractors Territory Master Configuration for better reporting Detailed Grower Handling by defined Family Head to control single ledger.
  • Survey Initialization, First & Second Survey & Estimation Generation Different Types of Vehicles Managements & Manage Distances + rates/KM.
  • Issuance of Loans / Advances to Growers & Contractors Verities, Allowances & Deductions Managements Indent, Token & CPR Generation Process CPR Audit & Posting Weight-Bridge Integration & Camera Security Controls Loans Deductions, Payment Advices.
  • Sugar Production & Impacts with SAP Business One.
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