
  • We help closing your last deals for 2016!

    We help closing your last deals for 2016!

    The Cloudiax offering may be the only thing extra a prospect needs to go ahead with your proposal. This means you can close more deals and faster.
    Especially for the year-end-rally we have some tactics that can help you close the deals this year!

    The most common reason for a prospect to hesitate with signing is doubt! So what doubts are there that you can take away with the Cloudiax offering?
    We name the 3 most common reasons a prospect hesitates with signing the order:

    1. Costs: What are the costs now and in the future?
    2. Change: Is this the right solution for us, what if business changes?
    3. Future: Is this solution future proof?

    How can you handle these doubts and how can Cloudiax help you with that?

    The cost doubt is easy to handle, since Cloudiax has a pricing per user per month. This is a very transparent way of working. Also the small number of options makes it very easy for a prospect to know his costs. Is the plan to open a web shop in half a year? You already know the costs right now.
    Get rid of this doubt and offer Cloudiax as infrastructure!

    The change doubt is probably the most difficult one. A prospect has to choose a new ERP system and normally that choice is based on the past. Old processes and old ways of doing things. On the other hand, it’s the only “certainty” a prospect has. The factor that makes it even more difficult is if the decision maker has to think about his business in 3 years. That is very hard is a very hard thing to do and doubt is the logical result.
    In the Cloudiax Community there are over 40 industry solutions and business extensions. For the prospect this means that his business can change but there is already a running solution available to support his new business needs. Knowing that makes his decision a lot easier. Simply start and add functionality the moment you need it.

    The third doubt has some things in common with the second one. Thinking of the future of your company in a time that changes come and go faster than ever, is almost impossible.
    So how can your prospect make the right decision for his company? I think there are two things that help: first is SAP, the world market leader in ERP software and spending a lot of effort and money in keeping their software up to date and future ready. The second thing is having an Enterprise Class IT infrastructure with Cloudiax. If you need to expand and change in the future, add a VPN to another solution or adding a web server for an e-commerce solution or anything else, you can do that with Cloudiax. So with Cloudiax you don’t only have a top class platform for your ERP system but also for all your needs regarding integration, communication and security.

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