
  • Trends in ERP business

    Trends in ERP business

    Looking at the trends in the ERP business you can see some interesting changes.

    First, of course, it’s the trend for cloud based solutions. In just a few years, it changed from hosted solutions to a more real cloud environment. The main differences between those two is that the hosted solution are more or less customized for every individual customer with all the extra effort and costs that that brings and a cloud solution is much more standardized and brings economy of scale.

    The effect for customers with a cloud solution is that they can start right away, no setup costs and very flexible in adding extra functionality with add-ons and apps. Another difference is the flexibility in connecting to the outside world. With a standardized cloud solution all the integration software is already up-and-running while with hosting it is customer by customer.

    If you look at SAP Business One HANA, you can see that if this is running on the Cloudiax platform and supported by the Cloudiax Community you meet the trends and the market request.
    Younger business people want to stay away from all the IT complexity, huge up-front investments and they need flexibility. They know that their company and the markets are changing fast. To deal with those changes you must be able to match your ERP system with new processes, totally new business models and different scaling. All this must be possible without big IT investments because they need their money for their own expansion.

    At the SAP Business One Innovation Summits in Barcelona and Orlando, we would like to take the opportunity and explain how you can match those trends with your offerings. A lot of Cloudiax Community Partners will be there to help you put together the vertical and horizontal solutions you need for your business. Another topic you can talk about at the Summits is another way of selling and how to compete against NetSuite, SAGE etc. With real examples and success stories we can help the whole SAP Business One Community with getting more new customers and being more profitable.

    So, please use the opportunity and meet us at one of the summits!

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