
  • More profit with customer value

    More profit with customer value

    After the last two postings “Grow or Disappear” and “The Foundation of your success", it is clear that we have to change the way we sell SAP Business One. If we look at the Cloudiax Community, and the solutions that are there and ready-to-run, you see an offering where you can really let your customer benefit. In this mailing, we will start with the horizontal solutions that can help a more “opportunistic” sales approach.

    Based on the Cloudiax Foundation, many international working SSPs tested their solutions on this platform. The result is that those solutions are documented, Cloud ready and can work together with other solutions. For partners it means that they can request SAP Business One with one or more of those solutions without bothering about installation, deployment or compatibility.

    In real life, this mainly means two things:

    - You can bring a huge value to your prospect or customer
    - You can sell more, faster and with better profit.

    Let me explain these two points.

    The huge value for a prospect is that he can have an ICT landscape he could never have dreamt of. Whether he needs one of these solutions right at the start or after, he can see upfront that for just a couple of dollars extra per month he can extend his system’s functionality. Regardless if it is CRM, Document Management or integrating a web shop with SAP Business One. This gives him a comfortable feeling, right from the start of the sales process. He sees what’s there, for what price and he can activate this extra functionality any time he needs it.

    To have a prospect or customer confident about his decision for an ERP+ system it means less barriers in the sales process. The customer can start using the system very easily and grow when he needs to. This leads to faster sales, you can sell to a bigger target group and sell more. Have confident and happy customers, you can upsell easier and more and your customers will be happy customers. Happy customers lead to more references and we all know that good references speeds-up sales more than anything else.

    To give you an idea of these horizontal solutions we’ll name a few:

    - CRM
    - Point of Sale
    - Web Shop Connector
    - Document Management
    - Warehouse Scanning
    - Codeless Portal Builder
    - Country Pack
    - Product Configuration and Quote Building
    - Warehouse Optimization

    All solutions ready-to-run and no setup costs.

    How you can optimize your customer’s value and your own sales numbers, we’ll give workshops at the SAP Business One Innovation Summits to accelerate your business and make the Cloudiax Community Solutions the best way to go for SMEs!

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