
  • Mastering Cloudiax – better business and more profit!

    Mastering Cloudiax – better business and more profit!

    Cloud is one of the buzz words of today. Everybody is “going Cloud” or is already using the various Cloud solutions out there. But what is this cloud?

    When we talk with our partners and customers, we hear a nice mixture of terms like “private cloud”, “hosted solutions” or “public cloud”, but it seems that everybody is talking more or less about the same thing but uses totally different terminology.

    Time for clarification!
    Because of these reasons and because of business reasons, Cloudiax will explain Cloud and Cloud-Business in their next webinar, Wednesday August 31 2016.

    In the webinar we will explain what Cloud is, in combination with SAP Business One. We will also explain what benefits your customer has from cloud and also how you, as a SAP Business One partner can build extra business around cloud.

    All topics you can’t afford to miss if you are serious about the cloud topic.

    So, as a SAP Business One partner, if you want to have happier customers and make more profit, register for this webinar and find out yourself how you can benefit from cloud right away!

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