
  • Cloud first

    Cloud first

    Cloud computing has turned into an established fixture of daily life, as SAP Business One customers ranging from start-ups to conglomerates use cloud solutions. More and more companies recognize that cloud solutions are the foundation for disruptive innovations which will completely replace most existing technologies, products, and services.

    Already today, digital technologies change how we work and live, presenting many companies with a significant challenge. During discussions with SAP partners and companies, we are often asked which companies will benefit from a strategy based on an ERP cloud solution. This question is relatively easy to answer, irrelevant of company size and industry.


    Your core business is operating enterprise software?

    Increasingly sophisticated technology such as SAP HANA allows for ever-increasing speed and volume of data transport as well as the possibility to intelligently analyze data and effectively use these analyses for innovative products and services. New technologies will bring about immense changes in how we work, communicate, buy, and sell. In the future, everything will be found in the digital realm, as everything that can be connected will be connected and everything that can be digitized will be digitized. This will influence all industries without exception, even very tradition-oriented industries such as mechanical and plant engineering and the supplier industry.

    You are aware of all of this and have an overview of the IT investment costs and risks that you will face over the next years. Therefore, you decide to (continue to) securely and professionally operate you own enterprise software with high availability in your own computer center.


    No, why would you operate it yourself?

    Focus on your core business and free yourself from the limitations of your own IT resources. Simply outsource your IT investment, technology, know-how, security, and utilization risks. Your hard- and software are professionally maintained for you, including backups.


    Concrete benefits of the Cloudiax - Cloud for SAP Business One HANA and SQL at a glance

    • Monthly fee per user, no investments in IT infrastructure and personnel
    • Managed cloud service including security, backup, and system update
    • The Cloudiax Multi-Cloud guarantees fast system upgrades
    • More than 80 ready-to-run industry solutions/business apps immediately available
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