
  • Barcelona One – Day One

    Barcelona One – Day One

    The first day of the SAP Business One Innovation Summit in Barcelona was an incredible experience for a lot of the partners. We took some time to ask what people really liked about this excellent Tuesday.

    “I absolutely loved the speech of Gabi Herzog, talking about Social Media and the importance to address the audience as human beings. She had to improvise in her 20 minutes, and she was awesome!”
    Nathalie Tumler, Academy Cube


    “I’m still impressed by the presentation with the bottle of champagne and the tracker device. What an amazing way to show how IoT can work.”
    Bernhard Debbing, SAP


    “This event is perfect for networking; we have already had so many exciting discussion about all the innovations presented by SAP and the Software Solution Providers.”
    Fabienne Schuler, coresystems


    “We’ve seen a lot of passion for innovation from all the participants at this event!”
    Vangelis Kanellopoulos, Alexander Moore


    “It’s great to see so many partners at one place!”
    Paul Sugg, Third Wave


    “This is the perfect opportunity for my personal partner-care service.”
    Markus Kühn, Variatec


    “I’m so proud of the partners!”
    Christian Ecks, SAP


    “The collaboration with other SSPs improves the power of SAP Business One. If we work together, success stories will be guaranteed.”
    Chris Kroos, C.K. Solution


    “The keynotes were wonderful so far! I love the location of the events, not to mention Barcelona…”
    Philippe Hamm, CSC Consulting


    “It’s clear to see that the Internet of Things becomes more and more important for the SME market!”
    Frank Bielefeld, SAP


    “The business deals always happen after 12!”
    David Emmenegger, coresystems
    [The scientific world is still unsure if he was referring to 12am or 12pm.]

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