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Frequently asked technical questions

Technical questions about SAP Business One cloud: databases, HANA, SQL, Cloud Control Center, add-ons, hosting, terminal server, RDP access, FTP, etc.

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Note: This document is related to SAP B1 Cloud Systems hosted with Cloud Control Center. It is not related to hosted Systems with an own SLD on Cloudiax. Some of the Points maybe also related to Hosted Systems.

Can we create new databases for my Customer?

You can only create new Databases if you have access to the Cloud Control Center, if you don't have access to it you have to open a request for it on Service Portal.

Can we get access to the Cloud Control Center?

If you have an own Service Unit you can get access to it, is this the case we will provide reseller access where you can create databases, manage users and addons.

If you don't have an own Service Unit and would like to have access to the Cloud Control Center, please contact our sales as this is a commercial question as you need a own HANA or SQL instance for it and we normally provide it with 30 users on HANA or around 10 users on SQL.

Can we install SAP Addons on my own?

To install Addons in B1 Cloud you need to have full access to the SLD (Cloud Control Center), only Partner that have an own Cloud Control Center can do this.

Please note that in B1 Cloud the Addon management is centralized from the Cloud Control Center it is not possible to install Addons from the Addon manager in SAP.

Can we have Superuser access?

In SAP B1 Cloud a superuser is only available for Cloud Operators that can see the complete Landscape including all databases and customers. Related to this we can't provide it to End customers and Partners that not own a hole Cloud Control Center.

For setting up a B1 database SAP provides the Power User. A Power User can modify all permissions and setup the authorizations in the SAP database.

The Power User can be a customer user and a partner user, there are no limitations to it.
Please note that a Power User has always full access to all Modules and Data, it also overwrites features like Data Ownership as the user is able to see all data even if the feature is setup.

Description from the SAP B1 OD Adminguide to the Power User

In SAP Business One On Premise, the superuser can manage licenses, users, and addons.
However, in SAP Business One Cloud, the user and license management is
centralized and managed by the cloud operator through the Cloud Control Center.
To prevent a reseller from interfering with the centralized management, the SAP
Business One client functionality must be restricted. Therefore, the superuser status is
no longer available for resellers; the power user status has been introduced instead.

Power users should have the same authorizations as superusers, except for the

  • Power users cannot manage licenses.
  • Power users cannot create new users in the SAP Business One client.
  • Power users cannot install add-ons.

There is little bit more limitations as descripted by SAP when you compare Superuser and Power Users.


  • Power Users can't change the company name, to do so please open a request on our end. This can only be done by Cloud Operators.
  • Power Users can't create new databases, this needs to be done in the Cloud Control Center.
  • Addons may look hardly on the Superuser status to display some features.

Can we use the Support user?

If you have Cloud Control Center access you can use it.

Limitations from SAP

  • The user has a limited time to access, this is set form SAP and Cloudiax can't change it. Please do a logoff when you have finish your tasks, as when you just close SAP with the X the time will still go on.
  • DTW is not working with the user
  • Addons are maybe also not working

Can we backup and Restore Databases?

If you have access to the Cloud Control Center you can perform duplicates to create test databases. A backup and restore is also possible with an own Service Unit.

This task is complex, and we can provide manuals for it.

Can we use the RSP?

The RSP is supported from SAP in B1 Cloud but it has some limitations, in our case we have a big SLDs with over 600 databases in some of them. Regarding this we can't use it as the RSP will crash and slow down until it is unusable.

If you need a database upload to SAP, we can provide a backup that you can download to provide it SAP.

The other thing with the RSP is that even if we have smaller SLDs we can't restrict the access, what means only Partners with an own Cloud Control Center will be able to use it.

Can we use Office on Cloudiax Systems?

We can't install Office on the Systems as this is permitted regarding license restrictions from Microsoft.

As there are features like Analytics that depend on Office we can provide a manual that the customer can use their local Office instead.

We would like to install ... on the Customer server

In our Systems every Customer gets an own Terminal server with a unique URL and RPD port. If you need an additional program it is not always possible on the Terminal server regarding out sizing and scalability and the integrity of the Terminal server.

In any case the Customer can order an Application Server for such Programs and Integrations.
Please note that all Software must be licensed correctly.

Can we use the SAP Browser Access?

Cloudiax do not provide the SAP Browser Access anymore, as it has a huge list of limitations.
Instead we can provide a HTML5 Access to the system that covers all functions for the SAP client and Addons.

Can we use the Workflow Service?

The Workflow Service is not supported from SAP in Cloud https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/1855972
It the Customer needs this feature you can choose a hosted System.

Can we use the DI Server?

The DI Server is not supported from SAP in Cloud https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/1855972
It the Customer needs this feature you can choose a hosted System.

Can we have access to the B1iF?

If you have an own Service Unit you can get access to the B1iF per RDP and via Admin URL with the B1iadmin.

In shared Systems we can't provide such access regarding data security, if you need a scenario or customizing there we must do it with you together.

Can we host Websites / Webservices on Cloudiax?

The hosting of Websites and Webservices on Cloudiax is possible with an Application server.

We can publish URLs and Ports.

Please note that we don't publish HTTP as it is unsecure, Cloudiax can provide a certificate for HTTPs publishing.
If you like to use your own Domain this is also possible, but you need to provide a valid SSL certificate for it.

What Ports are open on the Customer Terminal server?

The HTML5 access on the Terminal server is using the Port 443 secured with our SSL Certificate.

For the RDP each Server has a specific Port that will point to our Firewall where the connection will be forwarded to the specific Terminal server.

Can additional Ports be published on the System (Terminal server)?

Yes, but every Port opening needs to be reviewed from our end regarding Security and Compliance.

In some cases, a VPN is needed, or we will limit the access to specific IPs

What Ports are open on the HANA System?

On the HANA Systems the Analytics (40000), the Service Layer (50000) and the XS engine (4300) are published for external Access.

All Ports are secured with our SSL Certificated.

The Port 30015 (HANA Database) is not published as it is unsecure, if this is needed a VPN or other security actions like the limit the access to specific IPs.

In any case this needs to be reviewed by Cloudiax.

Can we connect to my SQL Instance from an external network?
The SQL Servers are not published for external access, if this is needed a VPN or other security actions like the limit the access to specific IPs.
In Any case this needs to be reviewed by Cloudiax.

Can we have RDP access to the SQL Server?

A RDP access to the SQL Server is not possible as you may have a own Instance but on our SQL Server are multiple instances are installed.

Even if RDP is not possible you can perform backup / restore access and we also provide the sa (Admin) user in case you own the instance.

Can we change the Cloudiax Login usernames?

It is not possible to change the System User names like c12345.1 to any other schema.

The schema of user codes makes the customer anonymous and, we can identify each account and to what customer it belongs.

Can we change SAP User names and user names like the manager?

This is possible, you can do it on your own with the Cloud Control Center, if you don't have access to it we can also change it for you.

In case the Customer use a database that was migrated to Cloudiax they can still use the old SAP users, we are able to map the users to the Cloudiax users.

Can we disable Single Sign On?

In SAP B1 Cloud Single Sign On cannot be disabled, this is a Global setting set by SAP.

How to use the Service layer?

The Service Layer can be used in ever System that is setup on HANA, a login with Single Sign on is also possible.

Can we get SYSTEM user access?

In shared system we can't provide this user as you can see all customer databases, also the databases that belong to other partners.

If you have an own Instance we can provide it.

How to access the database backend in shared systems?

You will get database access in all kind of Cloudiax systems. In shared systems the access is restricted to your databases and some tasks like backup and restore is limited. But you can setup Crystal Reports and Procedures with it in any case.

Are you taking backups from our Customer databases?

The Customer databases are backed up every day even if the customer is live or not.

Based on our FAQ https://www.cloudiax.com/faq/:
How data backup/restore is performed? Daily a full backup
RTO – Recovery time objective = Maximum 8 hours
RPO – Recovery point objective = Maximum 24 hours

How long is backed-up data retained? 30 days
This is the standard service. If a customer wants a different RTO or RPO, we can offer that based on customer specifications.
We have a backup per day, and you can go back the last 30 days. The speed of the backup process is dependent on the backup.

We have a big Customer do all users work on the same Terminal server?

If you have bigger customers, they do not work all on the same server. The customer has multiple servers running in a farm. The login for the customer is still the same as always but our load balance will take actions to place the customer on a specific server.
Even on a farm the user still has the same profile as they are loaded from a central store.

Can we install the SAP Client on a Customer Server/Laptop /device and connect to the Cloudiax SAP?

This setup is not possible regarding different aspects.
Even with a VPN the SLD and License Server are in a secured network where we don't grant access as this are core servers for our business. Also, as Single Sign on is mandatory you are not able to login.

Can we have root access to my HANA Server?

We don't allow root access to the HANA Systems for partner as central backup components are managed out of the root profile, also we cannot guarantee the stability of the systems in this case.
Even if a root access is not possible we can provide a user to login to the Linux server to perform actions like start / sop services and tasks like zip and unzip schemas.

Can we get Admin rights on my Customers Terminal server?

If every customer has an own server you can get Admin rights, please be careful with it as you can damage the system in case of wrong use.

Can we (Partner) connect to the Customers server with my account?

Yes, you can use the same URL to connect. You can also start SAP from there with your user but to connect the user needs to be mapped in the Cloud Control Center to the databases.

My printers, drives and scanner are not visible in the session, I cannot print.

The printer handling is different in RDP and HTML5. To enable the printer in RDP you must enable it in your local RDP. The process is maybe different, please check with your local IT. The local drives and are enabled on the same way. On Cloudiax the redirection of local printers is always enabled. On HTML5 it is different please look into the following: https://www.cloudiax.com/cloudiax-web-access-html5-client/

How to use the Cloudiax FTP?

The Cloudiax FTP is enabled for every user and it provide a secure space for every customer.
How to: https://www.cloudiax.com/how-to-transfer-your-files-to-cloudiax-ftps/

We need to enable label Printer is this possible?

In general, this is possible, but as there are a lot of different printers and software this maybe needs evaluation.

Can we import and Update licenses?

If you have access to the Cloud Control Center you can do it on your own, if not please open a request and send us the license.

We need to configure printer bays on the print scenarios, is this possible?

For configure printer bays and complex print scenarios maybe an additional software is needed, also a VPN can help in this case. It also depends on the scenario and needs to be evaluated.

How to send Emails out of SAP?

You can use the native Email function from SAP or from the Addons, with SAP 9.3 you can put in the SMTP credentials directly in the Client, for older version we need to configure rules for your domain. If you need it, please open a request.

We have some services that needs to run on a Cloudiax Account what can we do?

For this kind of tasks, we can provide Service User where the password does not expire.

The login to the HANA database takes a long time

When the login to a database takes longer as expected it can be related to some maintenance on our end, in case a maintenance is needed we normally we put the server in maintenance out of the regular business hours from the customer, for the most customer this is Sunday (depends on region and customer). During the maintenance the HANA will be restarted in the most cases. With this restart the databases are dropped out of memory, when you login to the databases they will load into memory again. After the first login this should be fine. This also can happen if you don't use the database for a few days as the data will be dropped from the HANA cache. If you have problems with the login, please open a ticket with detailed information. Please note there can be different reasons for it like: Addons, resources, Customer connection etc. that needs to be checked in this case.

We lost connection regularly, what can we do?

This case needs to be reviewed in detail as there are serval systems that needs to be checked, also the this can be an issue on your or on the customers end. To monitor the connection, we can setup an end to end monitoring to see where the issue comes from.

What connection strength is needed to use Cloudiax?

For the connection every user should have a stable connection around 128 kb/s. Please note that it is not only the upload and download rate is important. If you have package loss on the line this can also lead to bad performance even if you have 100 Mbit up and down. The connection can be checked with our end to end monitoring.

Can we use Cloudiax on Mac?

Yes, you can connect with the Mac, per RDP with the Microsoft RDP app and with Safari or any other browser to the HTML5 Client.

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