EDI Integration

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Text auf Englisch

With DiCentral, SAP Business One Cloud users can simplify their business processes and focus on their core competencies.

Businesses that migrate their internal EDI systems to DiCentral find that they escape the constant upgrades, daily maintenance, and personnel shortages that plague other companies.

SAP Business One EDI Integration

Companies using SAP Business One turn to DiCentral for the most comprehensive hosted EDI integration services on the market. The DiCentral solution allows you to take your EDI program beyond traditional hosting models by providing complete mapping, integration, visibility, control, and communication.

As companies grow, so do their EDI requirements. With DiCentral, SAP Business One users can simplify their business processes and focus on their core competencies. Businesses that migrate their internal EDI systems to DiCentral find that they escape the constant upgrades, daily maintenance, and personnel shortages that plague other companies.

Full Data Integration

SAP Business One users’ sales, invoicing, production, scheduling, and shipping data are all fully integrated and reconciled, eliminating any need for manual intervention.

Customer and supplier facing EDI

Capable of both customer and supplier-facing EDI, the SAP Business One platform now combines the substantial cost savings of a fully hosted EDI model with the technological capabilities of solutions that were until recently unavailable to small and medium-sized enterprises.

A single environment

The DiCentral EDI-Integrated Suite comes equipped with validation, automation, and reporting functionalities that have been designed with the user in mind and that enable SAP Business One users to take full advantage of the SAP Business One platform. Seamless data integration and embedded functionality allow all EDI related activities to be executed within the native end-user environment of SAP Business One.

Cost benefit analysis

As in the case with all important and large-scale projects, roll-out optimization of an EDI solution must undergo a detailed analysis to determine its profitability. DiCentral has mastered the cost-benefit analysis process. We would be pleased to help you run a project feasibility evaluation. You’ll come away with an exact summary of project costs and user fees, when you can expect to see a return on your investment and just how much money you’ll be saving.

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