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Initial Two-Factor Authentication configuration

How to configurate your 2FA - Two-Factor Authentication. Use it to protect your data and to ensure that nobody else can access your account.

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This article is being updated.
Please check the user manual of the new service portal: https://service-portal.cloudiax.com/login/login-help

1. Change the initial password


User: cxxxxx.xx
Password: type in your initial password
Click: “Log in”

change the initial password


New password: please define a new password
Confirm new password: Please retype your new password
Click: “Change Password”

new password


Password changed

password changed


2. Login to 2-factor authentication self service


User: cxxxxx.xx
Click “Next”

Login to 2-factor authentication self service


Please enter your password
Click “Next”

enter password


3. Configure your Authenticators

E-Mail (click the icon)


Please add your E-Mail address
Click: “Save”



Smartphone push

Please download the NetIQ Auth App:

Apple App Store (iOS)

Google Play Store (Android)


Please start the App and follow this initial steps (example Android).
Accept the license agreement.

license agreement


Configure your PIN number

configure pin


Confirm your PIN number

confirm pin


Allow push notifications (recommended)

allow push notifications


Click on the Smartphone icon on the self service portal

icon smartphone


Add a comment (name) for the authenticator, for example “push”
Click “Save” to start the smartphone enrollment

add name


waiting smartphone data


Go back to your smartphone App and press “+”

add authenticator

Allow the camera usage and scan the QR code from the self service portal

allow cam


Add your account information: cxxxxx.xx

add account


TOTP (click the icon)



Add a comment, for example “TOTP”

add comment totp



Go back to your smartphone App (as described for “Smartphone)

  • Press “+”
  • Scan the displayed QR code
  • Add your account information: cxxxxx.xx
  • Press “next”

You will see both authenticators (push & TOTP) in your App now:

both authenticators


Click “Save” in the self service portal.


Logoff from the self service portal:


Please wait



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